Qia.KeyboardShortcut - A library to make keyboard shortcut support in browser applications easy and elegant
Qia.KeyboardShortcut is a module of the qia-browser-libraries package published at https://github.com/johannhuang/Qia-Web-Browser-Libraries and https://www.npmjs.com/package/qia-browser-libraries.
Qia mdx Reader as File-based Application
From desktop computer, web browser to portable or mobile smart device, there come many different ways for users to interact with electronic contents. Among them, there are two general big categories: file-oriented and application-oriented. (File-oriented may also be mutual explained with names such as file-based, file-rooted, data-oriented; and application-oriented may also be named as application-encapsulated.)
Programming and Software Development with Focus
Life is short and busy, so better to scope things to enrich life in more aspects.
Introduction to qia-browser-libraries
The qia-browser-libraries is a package for alleviating the difficulty of web browser application development.
Basic Things A Senior Software Developer Should Know Well
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