JH-Articles - !Qia-Software
Qia Base64 Helper
Essentially, it is a tool I have made for myself to convert between base64 encoded data and decoded data. After having made it, I thought it would also sense to host it on the web (than only localhost), for general availability for myself as well as for people who may also just need it. It is available at JH-WWW: Qia Base64 Helper.
qia-image-gallery - An HTML Custom Element to Group Multiple Image Elements as Gallery
When or where is qia-image-gallery needed? Why necessary?
qia-audio - An HTML Custom Element to Supplement or Replace the audio Element
This HTML custom element to the built-in `audio` element is just like the `qia-image` custom element to the built-in `img` element.
qia-audio - A Set of Utilities for Audio on The Web
The `qia-audio` is a web library project which provides APIs for playback audio in web browsers. It is packaged in the project `qia-browser-libraries` and distributed as part of the UMD scripts named as `qia.js` and `qia.react.js`.
qia-image - An HTML Custom Element to Supplement or Replace the img Element
What is `qia-image`? `qia-image` in comparison to `img`
qia-image - A Set of Utilities for Images on The Web
What is qia-image in brief? Image[qia-image code workspace screenshot on 20231103]
qia-gif - An HTML Custom Element to Embed GIF Images
When or where is qia-gif needed? Why necessary?
qia-browser-libraries - qia.js, qia.react.js
Unfortunitely, using web components inside web components on some major web browsers is still problematic.
The `qia-audio-clip` is part of the project `qia-audio` which is further packaged under the name `qia-browser-libraries` as UMD scripts such as `qia.js` and `qia.react.js`.
qia-accordion - An HTML Custom Element to Save Space for Multi-sectional Contents
When or where is qia-accordion needed? Why necessary?