Sentences with Audio from Tatoeba - AnkiWeb

This article introduces a series of deckes made from Tatoeba by Anki user who shared deck#342441168. All the decks of this series can be found at and at the time of the composing of this article, the list is as following.

Thanks to the author who shared this series of Anki decks.


I found this series of decks because I came across the "All German sentences with audio from Tatoeba" deck when I tried to find some good resources on AnkiWeb shared decks webpage for learning German. So let me take the German sentences decks as an example for introducing this series of decks.

The German decks contain 2 decks tagged as (1/2) and (2/2) and can be accessed at and

The previews are as following.

The author described the German deck (1/2) as the following.

This deck contains all of the German sentences from Tatoeba that have an audio recording, along with translations to several languages. They are arranged according to difficulty using MorphMan.

Combing the previews and the description from the author, how do the decks in this series are can be reasonably imagined.

Besides, out of the above description, there are two keywords as Tatoeba and MorphaMan. So I think it is better to know at least something about them.

What is Tatoeba?

According to the official website, Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations and it's collaborative, open, free and even addictive. And according to Wikipedia, Tatoeba is a free collaborative online database of example sentences geared towards foreign language learners and its name comes from the Japanese term "tatoeba" (例えば), meaning "for example".

Some highlights include:

  • The aim of the Tatoeba Project is to create a database of sentences and translations that can be used by anyone developing a language learning application.
  • Tatoeba focuses on translation of complete sentences.
  • The structure of the database and interface emphasize one-to-many relationships.

What is MorphMan?

According to the official page on GitHub, MorphMan is an Anki plugin that reorders language cards based on the words one knows.

The GitHub repository page is at and the guide page is at

The Story Behind

The author of this series of decks also composed one article about the creation process which can be found at .


Let's thank the author again for his contribution.



* cached version, generated at 2024-01-08 09:08:58 UTC.

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